Our Story

Maywood Davis comes together a few times per year to produce craft toffee for friends and family. It all began when casually exploring toffee recipes turned into an obsession over discovering the best methods, ingredients, and ratios to craft the tastiest toffee south of Tennessee (and we think the world over!) After experimenting for 2 years across hundreds of batches, and many more sticks of butter and pounds of sugar, the perfect recipe was discovered! The loving support of our friends and family pushed us to make more and more batches, especially around holiday seasons, and eventually into distributing within the community. With a full stomach and tons of support from friends and family, Maywood Davis was born as a toffee ambassador.

The Maywood Davis team is made of a few people with a variety of experience in craft foods, coffee, and confections several people, and plenty of feedback from friendly test subjects. For this reason, it is a product designed, produced, and enjoyed by everyone.

Maywood Davis is a tribute to the two family names (Maywood: father's side/ Davis: mother's side). Our goal is to create a product that honors these names, plus everyone else that has helped us along the way.